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go to the goal怎么翻译?

2024-05-19 21:10:58

一:go to the goal的意思

go to the goal是一个英语短语,意思为“达到目标”,也可以理解为“朝着目标前进”。


go to the goal通常用作动词短语,表示某人或某物正在朝着实现某个目标的方向前进。它可以用于各种场景,如工作、学习、运动等。


1. She is determined to go to the goal and achieve her dream of becoming a doctor.(她决心要达到目标,实现成为一名医生的梦想。)

2. The team is working hard together to go to the goal of winning the championship.(这支队伍正在努力合作,朝着赢得冠的目标前进。)

3. He set a clear plan and went straight to the goal without any hesitation.(他制定了一个清晰的计划,毫不犹豫地直奔目标。)

4. Our company's mission is to go to the goal of providing high-quality products and services for our customers.(我们公司的使命是为客户提供高质量的产品和服务,朝着这一目标前进。)

5. Don't give up now, we are so close to go to the goal!(现在不要放弃,我们离达到目标如此之近!)


1. reach the goal:达到目标,也可以用作动词短语,表示“实现目标”。

2. achieve the goal:实现目标,也可以用作动词短语,表示“达到目标”。

3. get to the goal:到达目标,也可以用作动词短语,表示“达到目标”。

4. make it to the goal:成功达到目标,也可以用作动词短语,表示“实现目标”。

5. aim for the goal:以达到目标为目的,也可以用作动词短语,表示“朝着目标前进”。

