网校一点通 学习方法


2024-05-18 22:44:20




1. She has been a groupie of this band for years and has attended every single concert they have held.(她多年来一直是这个乐队的死忠粉丝,每场演唱会她都会来参加。)

2. The groupies were waiting outside the hotel, hoping to catch a glimpse of their favorite celebrity.(那些粉丝们在酒店外等待着,希望能够一睹他们最喜爱的明星。)

3. He used to be a groupie of this famous author, but now he has become a successful writer himself.(他曾经是这位著名作家的死忠粉丝,但现在他已经成为了一位成功的作家。)

4. The musician was surrounded by groupies after the show, all wanting to take a photo with him.(演出结束后,这位音乐家被一群粉丝包围,都想要和他合影。)

5. She became a groupie of this band after attending their concert, and now she follows them on every tour.(她在参加了这个乐队的演唱会后成为了他们的死忠粉丝,现在每次巡演她都会跟随着他们。)


1. She is a big fan of this singer and has all his albums.(她是这位歌手的铁杆粉丝,拥有他所有的专辑。)

2. The author has a large number of followers on social media, who are always eager to read his latest works.(这位作家在社交媒体上拥有大量的追随者,总是渴望阅读他最新的作品。)

3. He is a loyal supporter of this sports team and never misses a game.(他是这支运动队的忠实支持者,从不错过任何一场比赛。)

4. The actress has many admirers, but she always keeps her distance from them.(这位女演员有很多粉丝,但她总是保持与他们的距离。)

