网校一点通 学习方法


2024-05-18 22:39:30



1. 动词,指液体或物体从高处向下落下或滴下。

2. 动词,指放弃或取消某事物。

3. 名词,指一滴液体或小量的物质。

4. 名词,指降低或减少的程度。

5. 动词,指暂时离开某处。


1. drop作为动词时,常用于描述液体从高处向下落下的动作。:The rain drops fell heavily on the ground.(雨滴沉重地落在地面上。)

2. 当表示放弃或取消某事物时,drop常与介词“out”连用。:He dropped out of college last year.(他去年辍学了。)

3. 在表示降低程度时,drop可与介词“down”连用。:The temperature has dropped down to -10 degrees Celsius.(气温已经降到零下十摄氏度了。)

4. 作为名词时,drop可以指一滴液体或小量的物质。:There were a few drops of water left in the bottle.(瓶子里还剩几滴水。)

5. 当表示暂时离开某处时,drop可以与介词“by”连用。:I'll drop by your office later to pick up the documents.(我一会儿过来你的办公室取文件。)


1. The teacher dropped the chalk on the floor by accident.


2. She decided to drop her plans for a vacation and focus on her studies.


3. The price of oil has dropped significantly in the past few months.


4. A drop of blood fell from his finger onto the white sheet.


5. I'll drop by your place tomorrow morning to return your book.

