网校一点通 学习方法


2024-05-18 22:34:40



1. 名词:指突然出现或加入的人或事物。:He's a dropin, so I don't know much about him.(他是个临时加入的人,所以我对他不太了解。)

2. 动词:表示突然出现或加入某个活动或场合。:She dropped in on her friend for a cup of tea.(她去朋友家喝了杯茶。)

3. 形容词:形容临时性的、不经常发生的事物。:We had a dropin visitor last night.(昨晚我们有位临时来访的客人。)


1. The event was open to dropins, so anyone could join without prior registration.(这个活动对临时加入者开放,所以任何人都可以在没有提前注册的情况下参加。)

2. I didn't expect to see you here, it's such a dropin surprise!(我没想到会在这里见到你,真是个意外的惊喜!)

3. The company is looking for someone who can handle dropin tasks efficiently and effectively.(公司正在寻找能够高效有效地处理突发任务的人。)

4. We decided to have a dropin meeting to discuss the urgent matters.(我们决定临时召开一次来讨论紧急事项。)

5. The dropin rate for this event was unexpectedly high, indicating its popularity among the public.(这个活动的临时参加率出乎意料地高,说明它在公众中很受欢迎。)


1. The unexpected dropin of my old friend made my day.

2. She's a dropin teacher, so she doesn't have a regular class schedule.

3. I'm sorry, we don't accept dropins for this workshop, you need to register in advance.

4. He's not a regular employee, he's just a dropin worker who helps out when we're short-staffed.

5. The company has implemented a new policy that allows for more flexibility and encourages dropins from employees.

