网校一点通 学习方法


2024-05-18 22:28:37

1. husband是指一个已婚男人,也可以用来表示丈夫。:My husband is a doctor.(我的丈夫是一名医生。)

2. husband也可以用作动词,意思是节约使用或管理资源。:We need to husband our resources carefully.(我们需要仔细管理我们的资源。)


1. husband的读音为/hzbnd/。

2. 它的发音与“has band”相似,但“has band”的意思是“有乐队”,与husband没有关联。


1. My husband and I have been married for 10 years.(我和我的丈夫结婚已经10年了。)

2. She loves her husband deeply and would do anything for him.(她深爱着她的丈夫,愿意为他做任何事情。)

3. The husband of my friend is a famous chef in town.(我朋友的丈夫是城里著名的厨师。)

4. As a good husband, he always helps his wife with household chores.(作为一个好丈夫,他总是帮助妻子做家务。)

5. Her late husband left her a large inheritance when he passed away last year.(她去年丈夫去世时留给她一大笔遗产。)


1. husbandry(农业,养殖业)

2. husband-to-be(未婚夫)

3. husbandless(无丈夫的)

4. husbandlike(像丈夫的)

5. husbandhood(丈夫的身份)


1. My husband is a doctor. 我的丈夫是一名医生。

2. We need to husband our resources carefully. 我们需要仔细管理我们的资源。

3. My husband and I have been married for 10 years. 我和我的丈夫结婚已经10年了。

4. She loves her husband deeply and would do anything for him. 她深爱着她的丈夫,愿意为他做任何事情。

5. Her late husband left her a large inheritance when he passed away last year. 她去年丈夫去世时留给她一大笔遗产。

