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guardian angel是什么意思?

2024-05-17 15:09:47

意思:guardian angel是指守护天使,也可以理解为保护者或守护者。在信仰中,guardian angel被认为是上帝派遣的天使,负责保护和指引人类的生活。

用法:guardian angel通常用作名词短语,在句子中作为一个整体使用。可以用来形容某个人或某个事物对他人的保护和帮助,也可以指代某个人的信仰或力量。


1. My guardian angel has always been watching over me, protecting me from harm.(我的守护天使一直都在看着我,保护我免受伤害。)

2. She believes that her guardian angel is guiding her through difficult times.(她相信她的守护天使会在困难时期指引她。)

3. The little girl was convinced that her guardian angel helped her find her lost toy.(小女孩坚信她的守护天使帮助她找到了丢失的玩具。)

4. He always carries a small picture of his guardian angel with him for protection.(他总是随身携带一张他的守护天使的小照片以求得保佑。)

5. The team's victory was like a gift from their guardian angels, who had been watching over them throughout the season.(球队的胜利就像是来自他们的守护天使的礼物,他们在整个赛季都一直在保护着球队。)

同义词及用法:guardian angel可以替换为其他类似的词语,如protector、guardian、watcher等,但其含义和用法基本相同。也可以用其他或信仰中的相关术语来代替,如spirit guide(灵魂导师)、guardian spirit(守护精灵)等。
