2024-05-17 10:55:00一:leapmotion是什么?leapmotion是一种手势识别设备,它可以通过追踪手部和手指的运动来电脑或其他设备。它由Leap Motion公司开发,于2010年首次推出。该设备可以通过USB接口连接到计算机,并且可以在Windows和Mac操作上使用。
1. You can use leapmotion to navigate through your computer without touching a mouse or keyboard. (你可以使用leapmotion在不触摸鼠标或键盘的情况下浏览电脑。)
2. With leapmotion, you can easily draw and write on your computer screen with just your fingers. (借助leapmotion,您可以仅用手指轻松在电脑屏幕上绘画和书写。)
3. The precise and responsive tracking of leapmotion makes it a great tool for designers and artists. (准确敏捷的追踪功能使得leapmotion成为设计师和艺术家的绝佳工具。)
4. Leapmotion can also be used in virtual reality applications, allowing users to interact with the virtual world using their hands. (leapmotion也可以用于虚拟现实应用程序,让用户可以使用双手与虚拟世界进行互动。)
5. The compact and portable design of leapmotion makes it easy to bring along and use on-the-go. (leapmotion紧凑便携的设计使得它易于携带并可在旅途中使用。)
1. Gesture recognition device: 手势识别设备
2. Hand tracking device: 手部追踪设备
3. Motion controller: 运动器
4. Touchless controller: 无触摸器
5. Virtual reality controller: 虚拟现实器