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learning to see怎么翻译?

2024-05-17 10:54:59



例句1:As a child, she had trouble learning to see the beauty in the world, but as she grew older, she began to appreciate the small things in life.(作为一个孩子,她很难学会看到世界的美好,但是随着年龄的增长,她开始欣赏生活中的小事情。)

例句2:Learning to see beyond the surface of things is an important skill for artists and photographers.(学会看到事物表面之外的东西是艺术家和摄影师的重要技能。)

例句3:It takes time and patience to learn to see things from different perspectives.(学会从不同角度看待事物需要时间和耐心。)

例句4:The workshop aims to help participants learn to see their own strengths and weaknesses.(这个研讨会旨在帮助参与者学会自己的优势和劣势。)

例句5:Learning to see through someone else's eyes can help improve communication and understanding in relationships.(学会从他人的角度看待问题可以帮助改善人际关系中的沟通和理解。)


1. Develop the ability to see:发展看见的能力

2. Acquire the skill of seeing:掌握看见的技能

3. Gain insight into:获得洞察力

4. Improve perception:提高感知能力

5. Enhance observation skills:增强观察技巧
