网校一点通 学习方法


2024-05-17 10:35:33





1. She lost heart when she failed the exam for the third time. 她第三次考试不及格时就失去了信心。

2. Don't lose heart, you can still try again next year. 不要灰心,明年你还可以再试一次。

3. The team lost heart after losing their star player to injury. 队伍因为主力球员受伤而失去了斗志。

4. He didn't want to lose heart in front of his friends, so he pretended everything was fine. 他不想在朋友面前失去勇气,所以假装一切都好。

5. The difficult situation made her lose heart and she almost gave up on her dream. 困难的局面让她灰心丧志,她差点放弃了自己的梦想。


1. Despair (verb): 绝望、失去希望。作为及物动词时,后面跟着宾语;作为不及物动词时,后面不跟宾语。

例句: She despaired of ever finding true love. 她对于找到真爱感到绝望。

2. Discourage (verb): 使气馁、使泄气。作为及物动词时,后面跟着宾语。

例句: The constant criticism discouraged him from pursuing his passion. 不断的批评让他对追求自己的梦想感到泄气。

3. Demoralize (verb): 使士气低落、使意志消沉。作为及物动词时,后面跟着宾语。

例句: The loss of their leader demoralized the team and they lost the game. 队伍失去让他们士气低落,最终输掉了比赛。

4. Dishearten (verb): 使沮丧、使失去信心。作为及物动词时,后面跟着宾语。

例句: The constant failures disheartened her and she almost gave up on her dream. 不断的失败让她感到沮丧,她差点放弃了自己的梦想。

5. Dismay (verb): 使惊愕、使失望。作为及物动词时,后面跟着宾语。

例句: The unexpected news dismayed her and she didn't know how to react. 意外的消息让她感到惊愕,她不知道该如何应对。

