2024-05-16 21:09:12confirm的中文意思是确认,是一个动词,表示确认或证实某件事情是真实的或有效的。它也可以用作一个名词,表示确认或证实的行为。
1. 确认某件事情的真实性或有效性。
- Can you confirm the meeting time tomorrow?
- I need to confirm my flight details before I leave.
2. 表示同意或赞同某件事情。
- She confirmed her support for the new policy.
- The company has confirmed their commitment to reducing carbon emissions.
3. 确保某件事情发生。
- Please confirm your attendance at the event.
- The doctor asked me to confirm that I had taken my medication.
4. 用于法律文件中,表示签署并认可该文件。
- We need you to sign and confirm this contract before we can proceed.
5. 在电子邮件中,通常用于回复对方发送来的信息,表示收到并理解了对方所说的内容。
- Thank you for your email, I can confirm that we have received it.
1. The bank called to confirm the transfer of funds to my account.
2. He was asked to confirm his identity before being allowed into the building.
3. The company confirmed that they will be launching a new product next month.
4. We need you to confirm your reservation for the conference by tomorrow.
5. She sent an email to confirm her attendance at the wedding.