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less is more的翻译是什么?

2024-05-16 09:06:41

意思:less is more是一种简洁的表达方式,指的是在表达想法或设计时,使用最少的元素来达到最大的效果。它强调的是简约和精致,而不是过度复杂和繁琐。

用法:less is more通常用来形容一种设计风格或表达方式,也可以用来指导生活方式和价值观。它可以作为名词短语或形容词短语使用。

例句1:The interior design of the house follows the principle of "less is more", with minimalistic furniture and simple color scheme. (这栋房子的室内设计遵循“少即是多”的原则,家具简约,色彩简单。)

例句2:In today's fast-paced society, many people are embracing the concept of "less is more" and choosing to live a minimalist lifestyle. (在当今快节奏的社会中,许多人开始接受“少即是多”的概念,并选择过简约生活。)

例句3:The company's logo perfectly embodies the idea of "less is more", with a simple yet impactful design. (公司的标志完美地体现了“少即是多”的理念,设计简洁却有力量。)

例句4:The fashion designer's collection this season focuses on the concept of "less is more", with clean lines and minimalistic silhouettes. (这位时尚设计师本季的系列作品专注于“少即是多”的概念,线条简洁,轮廓简约。)

例句5:The speaker emphasized the importance of the principle "less is more" in achieving a clutter-free and stress-free lifestyle. (演讲者强调了在实现无杂乱和无压力的生活方式中,“少即是多”原则的重要性。)


1. Minimalism (n.) - 简约主义;minimalistic (adj.) - 简约的

e.g. The restaurant's interior design follows the principles of minimalism, with clean lines and neutral colors. (这家餐厅的室内设计遵循简约主义原则,线条清晰,色彩中性。)

2. Simplicity (n.) - 简单;simple (adj.) - 简单的

e.g. The artist's paintings are known for their simplicity, with only a few brushstrokes creating a powerful impact. (这位艺术家的画作以其简单性闻名,只用几笔勾勒出强大的视觉冲击力。)

3. Essentialism (n.) - 本质主义;essentialist (adj.) - 本质主义者

e.g. The designer's philosophy is rooted in essentialism, believing that less is more when it comes to creating impactful designs. (这位设计师的理念源自本质主义,认为在创作有影响力的设计时,少即是多。)

4. Efficiency (n.) - 效率;efficient (adj.) - 高效的

e.g. The company's new work culture focuses on efficiency and embraces the idea of "less is more" in its processes. (公司的新工作文化注重效率,也在其流程中接受“少即是多”的理念。)

5. Moderation (n.) - 适度;moderate (adj.) - 适度的

e.g. The nutritionist advises a moderation diet, emphasizing that less is more when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. (营养学家建议适度饮食,强调在保持健康生活方式时,少即是多。)
