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just so so的翻译及用法

2024-05-15 22:41:05

一:just so so的翻译及用法的意思

just so so是一个常用的英语短语,可以用来形容某件事物或者某人的状态,意思是“一般般”,“还可以”,“不太好也不太坏”。它通常表示对某件事物或者某人不满意,但也不完全失望。它的反义词是“very good”,意思是“非常好”。

二:just so so的翻译及用法用法

1. 作为形容词,可以放在名词前面,表示程度中等。

例句:The food at this restaurant is just so so, not bad but not great either. (这家餐厅的食物一般般,不算差但也不算很好。)

2. 作为副词,可以放在动词后面,表示程度中等。

例句:He played just so so in the game, not really standing out or making any mistakes. (他在比赛中表现一般般,没有特别出色也没有犯错。)

3. 作为句子开头或者结尾使用时,表示总体评价或者总结。

例句:Just so so, I would say it was a decent movie but nothing special. (总体来说,我觉得这部电影还行但没有什么特别之处。)

三:just so so的翻译及用法的例句1-5句且中英对照

1. The weather today is just so so, not too hot but not too cold either. (今天的天气一般般,不算太热也不算太冷。)

2. I tried the new restaurant in town, but the food was just so so. (我尝试了镇上的新餐厅,但食物一般般。)

3. She's been feeling just so so lately, not really happy but not really sad either. (她最近感觉一般般,不是很开心也不是很难过。)

4. The party was just so so, nothing too exciting happened. (派对一般般,没有什么特别令人兴奋的事情发生。)

5. Overall, I would rate this hotel as just so so, not terrible but also not amazing. (总体来说,我会给这家酒店打个一般般的分数,不算糟糕但也不是特别棒。)

四:just so so的翻译及用法的同义词及用法

1. average:意为“平均水平”,可以用来形容某件事物或者某人的表现。

例句:His grades are average, neither excellent nor terrible.


2. mediocre:意为“平庸”,通常用来表示某件事物或者某人的表现不够出色。

例句:The play was mediocre, not bad but also not very impressive.


3. satisfactory:意为“令人满意的”,可以用来形容某件事物或者某人达到了预期的标准。

例句:The service at this restaurant was satisfactory, we had a pleasant dining experience.


4. passable:意为“过得去的”,通常用来表示某件事物或者某人勉强达到了要求。

例句:His English is passable, he can communicate but with some difficulty.


5. so-so:与just so so同义,意为“一般般”、“还可以”。

例句:I would rate this movie as so-so, not terrible but also not amazing.

