网校一点通 学习方法


2024-05-15 22:41:04



作为形容词,industrial通常放在名词前面,用来修饰某个具体的事物。:industrial production(工业生产)、industrial sector(工业部门)、industrial city(工业城市)等。

作为名词,industrial指代整个工业领域。:the development of industry(工业发展)、the industrial revolution(工业)等。


1. The city's economy relies heavily on its industrial sector. (这座城市的经济严重依赖于其工业部门。)

2. The government has implemented policies to promote industrial growth. (已经实施了促进工业增长的。)

3. Industrial waste poses a serious threat to the environment. (工业废料对环境构成了严重威胁。)

4. The company is known for its high-quality industrial products. (这家公司以其高质量的工业产品而闻名。)

5. Many people have lost their jobs due to the decline of the industrial sector in this region. (由于该地区工业部门的衰退,许多人失去了他们的工作。)


1. Manufacturing - 指制造产品或商品的过程,与industrial类似,但更强调生产过程。

例句:The manufacturing industry is a major contributor to the country's economy. (制造业是该国经济的主要贡献者。)

2. Commercial - 指与商业相关的,也可以用来形容工业活动。

例句:The city has a strong commercial and industrial base. (这座城市拥有强大的商业和工业基础。)

3. Productive - 指能够产生大量产品或服务的,也可以用来形容工业活动。

例句:The company has been very productive in the past year, thanks to its new industrial processes. (由于采用了新的工业流程,这家公司在过去一年非常高效。)

4. Manufacturing - 指制造产品或商品的过程,与industrial类似,但更强调生产过程。

例句:The manufacturing industry is a major contributor to the country's economy. (制造业是该国经济的主要贡献者。)

5. Commercial - 指与商业相关的,也可以用来形容工业活动。

例句:The city has a strong commercial and industrial base. (这座城市拥有强大的商业和工业基础。)
