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miss in的意思是什么?

2024-05-15 21:37:47

1. miss in的意思是错过,未能参加或到达的意思。

2. miss in的读音为[ms n],读作“米斯 英”。

3. miss in的用例:

例句1:I'm sorry, I missed in the meeting this morning.


例句2:He missed in the final exam due to illness.


例句3:She was disappointed to have missed in the concert.


例句4:Don't miss in your chance to see the famous painting.


例句5:They missed in their flight and had to stay another night.


4. miss in的组词:

- miss out on 意为“错过、遗漏”,常用于表示错过某种机会或体验。:I don't want to miss out on this opportunity.

- miss the mark 意为“未达到预期效果、没有成功”,常用于形容某种行动或计划失败。:Their new product completely missed the mark.

- hit or miss 意为“凭运气、碰运气”,常用于表示做事情靠运气而不是技巧。:His success is hit or miss, he never really plans anything.

- miss the boat 意为“错过时机、失去机会”,常用于表示错过某种重要的机会或时刻。:I missed the boat and didn't invest in that company when I had the chance.

- miss the point 意为“误解、没有理解重点”,常用于表示对某件事情的真正意义没有理解。:You completely missed the point of my argument.

5. miss in的中英文对照:


英文:miss in

miss in是一个非常常用的动词短语。它可以让我们感受到遗憾和失落,因为它意味着我们错过了一些重要的机会或活动。但是,我们也可以从中学习,不断进步,以免下次再次错过。因此,在日常生活中,我们应该时刻注意并抓住每一个机会,不要让自己后悔错过了什么。
