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keep up是什么意思?如何正确使用keep up?

2024-05-15 21:23:11

keep up是一个动词短语,意思是保持,维持。正确使用keep up需要注意以下几点:

1. keep up的基本用法

keep up的基本意思是保持某种状态或者行为,常用于肯定句中,表示继续做某事或者保持某种状态。:

- She always keeps up with the latest fashion trends.(她总是跟上最新的时尚潮流。)

- The company has been struggling to keep up with the demand.(公司一直在努力满足需求。)

2. keep up的反义词

keep up的反义词是let down,意思是放弃,失信,辜负。:

- Don't let me down this time.(这次不要让我失望了。)

- He always lets his family down.(他总是辜负他的家人。)

3. keep up与keep on的区别

keep up与keep on都有“继续”的意思,但用法略有不同。keep on一般指连续不断地做某事,而keep up则更多指保持某种状态或者行为。:

- He kept on talking for hours without taking a break.(他连续说了几个小时都没有休息。)

- She kept up her good grades throughout high school.(她在高中期间一直保持良好的成绩。)

4. keep sth up与keep sth going

keep sth up与keep sth going都可以表示“继续做某事”,但keep sth up更强调持续不断,而keep sth going则更多指保持某种状态。:

- She kept up her exercise routine even when she was busy.(她即使很忙也坚持每天锻炼。)

- The music kept going all night long.(音乐一直持续了一整晚。)

5. keep up with与keep pace with的区别

keep up with与keep pace with都有“跟上”的意思,但用法略有不同。keep up with指跟上某人或者某事的步伐,而keep pace with则更多指保持同样的发展速度。:

- It's hard to keep up with her when she's walking so fast.(她走得这么快,很难跟上她的步伐。)

- Our company is struggling to keep pace with the rapid changes in technology.(我们公司正在努力跟上技术的快速变化。)




1. I can't keep up with all the new words my students use these days.


2. The marathon runner kept up a steady pace throughout the race.


3. She always keeps up appearances even when she's not feeling well.


4. The company is struggling to keep up with the competition.


5. It's important to keep up with current events in the world.



- keep up with sth/sb(跟上某事/某人)

- keep sb/sth up(使某人/某事保持)

- keep on doing sth(继续做某事)

- keep pace with sb/sth(跟上某人/某事的步伐)

- struggle to keep up(努力保持)


keep up - 保持,维持

let down - 放弃,失信,辜负

keep on - 继续做

keep sth up - 使某物保持

keep sth going - 使某物持续

keep pace with - 跟上步伐

struggle to keep up - 努力保持

keep up是一个非常有用的动词短语,它可以表达多种含义,继续做某事、保持某种状态或者跟上步伐。我们还需要注意与其他动词短语的区别,并根据具体情境选择合适的表达方式。我希望你能够根据自己的感受来运用这个词组,并在使用中灵活变化,让语言更加生动有力。
