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2024-05-15 21:17:48

1. lawsuit是一种法律程序,指当事人通过法庭来解决争议或索赔的过程。它通常涉及两个或多个个人、组织或公司之间的纠纷,其中一方要求另一方承担责任或赔偿损失。

2. lawsuit的用法:lawsuit通常作为一个名词使用,可以用作单数形式(a lawsuit)或复数形式(lawsuits)。它可以与介词in连用,表示“在某项诉讼中”;也可以与介词against连用,表示“对某人提讼”。

3. lawsuit的例句:

(1)The company is facing a lawsuit from its former employees for unfair dismissal.


(2)The celebrity won the lawsuit against the tabloid for publishing false information about her.


(3)The family decided to settle the lawsuit out of court to avoid a lengthy and expensive legal battle.


(4)The company's reputation was damaged by the high-profile lawsuit brought by its compes.


(5)The lawyer advised his client to gather all the necessary evidence before filing the lawsuit.



1. lawsuit的读音为/lsut/,重音在第一个音节上。

2. lawsuit是一个由两个单词组成的复合词,其中law的读音为/l/,suit的读音为/sut/。

3. 以下是lawsuit一词在不同语言中的发音:

- 美式英语:/lsut/

- 英式英语:/lsjut/

- 澳大利亚英语:/lzjut/

- 加拿大英语:/lsut/

- 法语:/lozswit/

- 西班牙语:/lozswit/


1. The company is facing multiple lawsuits from its customers for selling defective products.


2. The celebrity's reputation was damaged by the lawsuit filed against her by a former employee.


3. The lawyer advised his client to drop the lawsuit as there was not enough evidence to support their claim.


4. The company's shareholders were pleased with the outcome of the lawsuit, as it resulted in a significant financial gain for them.


5. The government is planning to introduce new laws to reduce the number of frivolous lawsuits filed each year.



1. class-action lawsuit (集体诉讼)

2. civil lawsuit (民事诉讼)

3. criminal lawsuit (刑事诉讼)

4. file a lawsuit (提讼)

5. settle a lawsuit (解决诉讼)


1. lawsuit是一种法律程序,指当事人通过法庭来解决争议或索赔的过程。

2. Lawsuit is a legal procedure in which parties resolve disputes or claims through a court.

3. 它通常涉及两个或多个个人、组织或公司之间的纠纷,其中一方要求另一方承担责任或赔偿损失。

4. It typically involves disputes between two or more individuals, organizations, or companies, where one party seeks to hold the other accountable or seek compensation for damages.

5. lawsuit的用法:lawsuit通常作为一个名词使用,可以用作单数形式(a lawsuit)或复数形式(lawsuits)。它可以与介词in连用,表示“在某项诉讼中”;也可以与介词against连用,表示“对某人提讼”。

6. Lawsuit is usually used as a noun, in singular form (a lawsuit) or plural form (lawsuits). It can be used with the preposition "in" to indicate "in a lawsuit" or with "against" to indicate "suing someone".

7. lawsuit的例句:

(1)The company is facing a lawsuit from its former employees for unfair dismissal.


(2)The celebrity won the lawsuit against the tabloid for publishing false information about her.


(3)The family decided to settle the lawsuit out of court to avoid a lengthy and expensive legal battle.


(4)The company's reputation was damaged by the high-profile lawsuit brought by its compes.


(5)The lawyer advised his client to gather all the necessary evidence before filing the lawsuit.


6. 对整个内容做一个简单的总结:lawsuit是指当事人通过法庭来解决争议或索赔的法律程序,通常涉及两个或多个个人、组织或公司之间的纠纷。它可以用作名词,表示单数形式(a lawsuit)或复数形式(lawsuits),并可与介词in和against连用。lawsuit在不同语言中有不同的发音,但读音为/lsut/,重音在第一个音节上。通过对lawsuit的定义、用法及例句进行编辑,可以更好地理解和使用这一词汇。
