2024-05-15 21:01:101. makeadecision是什么意思?的解释:
2. makeadecision是什么意思?读音读法:
makeadecision的读音为/mek dsn/,其中mek为重音,发音为长母音/e/,为轻音,发音为元音//,dsn为次重音,发音为短元音//和浊辅音/d/。
3. makeadecision是什么意思?的用例:
1) I need to make a decision about which college to attend.
2) It's not easy to make a decision when you have so many options.
3) We have to make a decision quickly before it's too late.
4) It's important to make the right decision for your future.
5) The manager has to make a decision on whether to promote him or not.
4. makeadecision是什么意思?组词:
- decision-making:决策的,做决定的
- decision-maker:决策者,做出决定的人
- indecision:犹豫不决,无法做出决定
- decisive:果断的,坚定的
- decisional:关于决策的
5. makeadecision是什么意思?的中英文对照:
makeadecision是什么意思? - What does makeadecision mean?
解释 - explanation/definition
读音读法 - pronunciation/phonetic transcription
用例 - example/sentence
组词 - related words/vocabulary
中英文对照 - Chinese and English translation