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off duty是什么意思?off duty的用法和例句有哪些?

2024-05-14 11:03:33

1.off duty是指不在工作状态下,不处于工作时间或工作职责之中。

2.off duty可以用作形容词,表示“不在工作状态下”的意思。:He is off duty today.(他今天不上班。)

3.off duty的读音为/f djuti/。

4.off duty的用例:

(1)After finishing his shift, the police officer was off duty.

(2)The doctor was called in for an emergency while he was off duty.

(3)I saw my boss at the grocery store while he was off duty.

(4)The security guard is responsible for the building when he is off duty.

(5)The flight attendant was looking forward to her days off duty.

5.off duty的组词:off-duty (形容词),off-duty time (名词短语),off-duty hours (名词短语),take off-duty (动词短语)

6.off duty的中英文对照:


英文:off work, free time


off duty是指不在工作状态下,可以用作形容词来表示“不在工作状态下”,其读音为/f djuti/。它可以用来描述人或物品,表达它们暂时脱离了工作职责或活动。,在、医生、飞行员等职业中经常会使用到这个词汇。除此以外,off duty也可以用来指代休息时间或休假。它的组词有off-duty (形容词),off-duty time (名词短语),off-duty hours (名词短语),take off-duty (动词短语)。总之,off duty是一个常用的词汇,在日常生活中经常会遇到。
