网校一点通 学习方法


2024-05-14 10:48:38

1. oralenglish是指口语英语,是指通过口头交流进行的英语表达。它是英语学习中重要的一部分,也是衡量一个人英语能力的重要标准之一。提高口语英语能力可以帮助我们更加流利地表达自己的想法,增强与他人交流的能力。

2. 读音读法:[rll],oral为“口头的”、“口述的”,english为“英语”,组合起来表示“口头交流使用的英语”。

3. 用例:

(1) She is very good at oral English, and she can easily communicate with foreigners.


(2) In order to improve my oral English, I have been practicing speaking with native speakers every day.


(3) Oral English is an important part of the English proficiency test, so we should pay more attention to it.


(4) Some people are good at written English but not good at oral English, which affects their communication with others.


(5) The teacher asked us to practice oral English in pairs, which greatly improved our speaking skills.


4. 组词:oral examination(口试)、oral communication(口头交流)、oral presentation(口头报告)、oral fluency(口语流利度)、oral practice(口语练习)。

5. 中英文对照:

- oralenglish:口语英语

- improve:提高

- speaking ability:说话能力

- proficiency test:水平考试

- communicate:交流

- native speakers:母语为英语的人

- attention:重视

- written English:书面英语

- affects:影响

- communication:交流

- pairs:两个人一组

- greatly improved:大大提高

