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free walk怎么翻译?free walk是什么意思

2024-05-13 15:46:58


意思释义:free walk是指在没有限制或约束的情况下,随意地走动或行走。它可以指一种休闲的活动,也可以指一种冒险的旅行方式。

用法:free walk通常用作名词短语,也可以作为动词短语使用。:

1. We decided to take a free walk around the city and explore its hidden gems.


2. The children were allowed to have a free walk in the park before lunch.


3. The tour guide suggested taking a free walk through the forest instead of following the designated trail.


4. She loves going on free walks, discovering new places and meeting new people.


5. Let's take a break and go for a free walk in the countryside.



1. The best way to experience the beauty of this island is by taking a free walk along its pristine beaches.

2. After being stuck in the office all day, I like to go for a free walk in the park to clear my mind.

3. The tour group offered a free walk through the ancient ruins, giving us a chance to explore at our own pace.

4. We took a free walk through the bustling market, sampling local delicacies and soaking in the vibrant atmosphere.

5. As we wandered through the narrow streets of the old town, we stumbled upon a charming caf during our free walk.
