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in god we trust的中文翻译是什么?

2024-05-13 15:21:21

释义:in god we trust是一句英文短语,直译为“我们信靠上帝”。它通常用来表达人们对上帝的信任和依赖,也可以被解释为对信仰的坚定。这句话也是美国的座右铭,出现在美国货币和文件中。

用法:in god we trust可以作为一个独立的句子使用,也可以作为一个短语出现在句子中。它通常用来表达人们的信仰和对上帝的敬畏之情。在美国文化中,这句话也经常被引用来强调自由和价值观。


1. In god we trust, all others must bring data. (我们相信上帝,其他人必须提供数据。)

2. As a nation, in god we trust. (作为一个,我们相信上帝。)

3. I may not have all the answers, but in god we trust. (我可能不知道所有答案,但我们相信上帝。)

4. In god we trust to guide us through difficult times. (我们相信上帝会指引我们度过困难时刻。)

5. Our country's motto is in god we trust, and it reminds us of our values and beliefs every day. (我们的座右铭是我们相信上帝,在每一天提醒我们我们的价值观和信仰。)


1. In god we trust, for he is our guiding light in the darkness of uncertainty.

2. As a believer, I find comfort in the words in god we trust, knowing that there is a higher power watching over us.

3. In god we trust, because sometimes faith is all we have to hold onto.

4. Our nation's motto may be in god we trust, but it's up to us to put that trust into action and make positive changes in the world.

5. When faced with challenges, remember that in god we trust and have faith that everything will work out for the best.

总结:in god we trust是一个简洁而深刻的短语,它着人们对上帝的信任和依赖,也体现了信仰在美国文化中的重要性。无论是作为座右铭还是作为日常用语,它都承载着人们对上帝和生活的希望与信心。
