网校一点通 学习方法


2024-05-13 15:14:55



1. The computer program requires user input to function properly. (这个电脑程序需要用户输入才能正常运行。)

2. The teacher encouraged students to provide input and share their thoughts during the class discussion. (老师鼓励学生在课堂讨论中提供意见和分享想法。)

3. The government is seeking input from citizens on the new policy. (正在征求公民对新的意见。)


1. Please input your password to access the website. (请输入密码以访问网站。)

2. The team worked together to input data into the spreadsheet. (团队一起合作将数据输入到电子表格中。)

3. As a consultant, I was able to input my ideas and suggestions for improvement into the company's decision-making process. (作为顾问,我可以将我的想法和改进建议输入到公司的决策过程中。)



1. The success of the project was largely due to the valuable input from our team members. (这个项目的成功很大程度上归功于我们团队成员的宝贵意见。)

2. The input from customers is crucial for the company's product development. (顾客的反馈对公司的产品开发至关重要。)

3. The teacher asked students to provide input on the ic before starting the class discussion. (老师要求学生在课堂讨论开始前就这个话题提供意见。)

4. It takes time to input all the data into the system, but it will make our work more efficient in the long run. (将所有数据输入到中需要时间,但从长远来看会使我们的工作更有效率。)

5. The company values employees' input and encourages them to share their ideas for improvement. (公司重视员工的意见,并鼓励他们分享改进的想法。)
