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ice cream怎么翻译?

2024-05-12 15:41:55

ice cream可以翻译为冰淇淋,是一种由牛奶、鸡蛋和糖等原料制作而成的甜品。它通常具有柔软的质地和丰富的口味,是夏季最受欢迎的零食之一。


1. Would you like some ice cream? (你想要一些冰淇淋吗?)

2. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! (我尖叫,你尖叫,我们都为冰淇淋尖叫!)

3. This ice cream is so delicious! (这个冰淇淋太好吃了!)

4. I can't resist the temptation of ice cream. (我无法抵抗冰淇淋的诱惑。)

5. Let's go get some ice cream to cool down in this hot weather. (让我们去买些冰淇淋,在这个炎热的天气里降温。)


1. She ordered a scoop of vanilla ice cream as her dessert.


2. The children were excited to have an ice cream party.


3. The shop offers a variety of flavors for their homemade ice cream.


4. He always puts a cherry on of his ice cream sundae.


5. My favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate chip cookie dough.

