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here to stay的中文翻译是什么?

2024-05-12 15:14:15


here to stay是一个英语短语,意为“来留下”的意思。它可以用来形容某个事物或现象是永久性的,不会消失或改变。这个短语通常用来指某种趋势、观念、技术或文化现象的持久性。


here to stay通常作为形容词短语使用,放在名词前面。:“The internet is here to stay.”(互联网已经成为永久性的存在) “Smartphones are here to stay.”(智能手机已经成为永久性的存在)


1. Social media is here to stay, and it has transformed the way we communicate with each other.


2. The rise of e-commerce is a clear indication that online shopping is here to stay.


3. Virtual reality technology is not just a passing trend, it's here to stay and will continue to evolve.


4. Plant-based diets are not just a fad, they are here to stay as more people become aware of the environmental impact of meat consumption.


5. The popularity of Korean pop culture is here to stay, with fans all over the world.



1. The concept of sustainability is here to stay, and it will continue to shape our future.


2. The use of renewable energy sources is here to stay, and it will play a crucial role in combating climate change.


3. Mental health awareness is here to stay, and it's important for us to prioritize our well-being.


4. The gig economy is here to stay, and it's changing the way we work and earn a living.


5. The trend of minimalism is here to stay, and it's a lifestyle that promotes simplicity and mindfulness.



无论是科技、文化、社会趋势还是生活方式,here to stay都可以用来形容那些已经成为永久性的存在,并且将继续影响我们的未来。它提醒我们要随时关注变化,并适应新的发展,以保持与时俱进。
