网校一点通 学习方法


2024-05-12 14:28:30



1. 用于制作文件夹:在制作文件夹时,需要将纸张打孔后放入文件夹内。这时就需要使用punching机器来完成打孔的工作。一般来说,打孔的位置和数量都是根据文件夹的规格来确定的。

2. 用于制作名片:在制作名片时,也需要使用punching机器来将纸张打孔后放入名片盒中。不同类型的名片盒可能需要不同数量和位置的打孔。

3. 拳击运动中的出拳动作:在拳击比赛中,选手们会使用各种出拳动作来攻击对手。其中,最常见的就是直拳、钩拳和上勾拳等punching技巧。


punching [pnt]


1. The punching machine broke down, so we had to punch the holes manually.


2. He showed off his impressive punching skills in the boxing match.


3. The punching holes on the binder were not aligned properly.


4. She practiced her punching techniques every day to prepare for the tournament.


5. The boxer's powerful punching knocked his opponent out in the first round.



punching machine (打孔机)

punching bag (沙袋)

punching power (出拳力量)

punching speed (出拳速度)

punching technique (出拳技巧)


punching 是什么意思?Punching 的用法和技巧有哪些?

Punching refers to the action or method of hitting or piercing something with force. In the dictionary industry, punching can also refer to punching holes, which is used to make folders, business cards, etc. In addition, punching can also refer to the punch movements in boxing.

Punching 是指用力打击或刺穿某物的动作或方式。在词典行业中,Punching 也可以指打孔或穿孔,用于制作文件夹、名片等。此外,Punching 也可以指拳击运动中的出拳动作。

1. 用于制作文件夹:In the process of making folders, it is necessary to punch holes in the paper and then put it into the folder. This is when a punching machine is used to complete the punching work. Generally, the position and number of holes are determined according to the size of the folder.


2. 用于制作名片:When making business cards, a punching machine is also used to punch holes in the paper and then put it into a business card holder. Different types of business card holders may require different numbers and positions of holes.


3. 拳击运动中的出拳动作:In boxing matches, athletes use various punching techniques to attack their opponents. The most common ones are straight punches, hook punches, and uppercut punches.



punching [pnt]


1. The punching machine broke down, so we had to punch the holes manually.


2. He showed off his impressive punching skills in the boxing match.


3. The punching holes on the binder were not aligned properly.


4. She practiced her punching techniques every day to prepare for the tournament.


5. The boxer's powerful punching knocked his opponent out in the first round.



punching machine (打孔机)

punching bag (沙袋)

punching power (出拳力量)

punching speed (出拳速度)

punching technique (出拳技巧)


