网校一点通 学习方法


2024-05-11 17:34:44

1. snog是一种英式俚语,意思是亲吻、拥抱或者接吻。发音为/sn/,读作“斯诺格”。

2. snog的读音和拼写都比较简单,只需要注意发音中的元音[o]和[g]的发音即可。[o]的发音要比普通英语中的[o]更短,而[g]则要轻一些。

3. 用例:

- They were snogging in the corner of the party.(他们在派对角落里亲吻着)

- The couple snogged passionately before saying goodbye.(这对情侣在道别前热情地接吻)

- I caught my parents snogging in the kitchen last night.(我昨晚在厨房抓到我父母在接吻)

- The movie was full of snogging scenes, which made me uncomfortable.(这部电影里充满了接吻场景,让我感到不舒服)

- Don't just stand there, go and snog your crush!(别站在那儿,去亲你喜欢的人!)

4. 组词:snogger (亲吻者),snoggable (值得亲吻的),snogginess (多情),snoggish (多情的)。

5. 中英文对照:

- 他们在派对角落里亲吻着。They were snogging in the corner of the party.

- 这对情侣在道别前热情地接吻。The couple snogged passionately before saying goodbye.

- 我昨晚在厨房抓到我父母在接吻。I caught my parents snogging in the kitchen last night.

- 这部电影里充满了接吻场景,让我感到不舒服。The movie was full of snogging scenes, which made me uncomfortable.

- 别站在那儿,去亲你喜欢的人!Don't just stand there, go and snog your crush!

6. 总结:snog是一种英式俚语,意思是亲吻、拥抱或者接吻。发音为/sn/,读作“斯诺格”。它的用法比较随意,可以用来形容浪漫的亲吻,也可以用来形容不那么浪漫的亲吻。通过这个词汇编辑,我们可以更加了解英式俚语中的一些常用词汇,并且学习如何正确发音和使用它们。
