2024-05-11 17:22:491. sociology的定义和研究领域是什么?的解释
2. sociology的定义和研究领域是什么?读音读法
3. sociology的定义和研究领域是什么?的用例
例句1:Sociology is a diverse field that encompasses a wide range of ics and research methods.
例句2:The study of sociology helps us understand the complexities of human behavior and society.
例句3:Many sociologists focus on issues such as inequality, social justice, and social change.
例句4:Sociology can be used to analyze and improve social policies and institutions.
例句5:Studying sociology can also help individuals better understand their own place in society.
4. sociology的定义和研究领域是什么?组词
- sociological (adj.) 社会学的,关于社会学的
- sociologist (n.) 社会学家
- sociologize (v.) 进行社会学研究或分析
5. sociology的定义和研究领域是什么?的中英文对照
sociology - 社会学
definition - 定义
research - 研究
field - 领域
behavior - 行为
influence - 影响
culture - 文化
politics -
economy - 经济