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it runs in the family是什么意思?

2024-05-11 15:14:00


it runs in the family是一个常用的短语,意思是某种特质或习惯在家族中代代相传,多指家族成员具有相似的特点或行为方式。通常用来形容某种特质或习惯在一个家族中被广泛传承,并且很难改变。


it runs in the family通常作为主语出现,后接动词原形。可以与be动词连用,也可以与实义动词连用。:

- Musical talent runs in the family. (音乐天赋在这个家族中代代相传。)

- Hard work and determination run in the family. (勤奋和决心是这个家族的共同特点。)


- It has been running in the family for generations. (这个特质已经在这个家族中流传了几代。)

- It will continue to run in the family for years to come. (这个习惯将会在未来几年一直延续下去。)


1. Athleticism seems to run in the family, as both of her parents were professional athletes.


2. Generosity and kindness run in the family, as her grandparents are known for their charitable contributions.


3. The love for cooking runs in the family, and her mother passed down her secret recipes to her.


4. The entrepreneurial spirit runs in the family, as her father and grandfather were both successful business owners.


5. A love for adventure seems to run in the family, as all of her siblings have traveled to different countries and experienced different cultures.



1. It's like a genetic code that is passed down from one generation to another - this trait that runs in the family cannot be denied or ignored.

2. There's something about this family that just screams "tradition" - this trait seems to run in their bloodline.

3. It's like a never-ending cycle - this habit runs in the family and it's hard to break free from it.

4. It's almost like a curse, but also a blessing - this characteristic runs in the family, for better or for worse.

5. It's a common thread that ties this family together - this trait runs in the family and it's what makes them unique.
