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hot babes怎么翻译?

2024-05-11 10:31:35

释义:hot babes是一个英文短语,指的是性感迷人的女性。在词典中,可以将其翻译为“火辣美女”、“性感女郎”、“迷人的女孩”等。


在英语中,hot babes通常用作形容词短语,修饰女性,表示她们具有吸引力、迷人、性感等特征。它可以用来形容任何年龄段的女性,从青少年到成熟的女性都可以被称为hot babes。在写作中,我们可以将其放在句子开头或结尾,也可以放在名词前作定语。


hot babes这个词汇听起来就让人心跳加速、脸红心跳。它往往暗示着一种强烈的欲望和激情,让男人们无法抗拒。这些火辣美女总能吸引我们的注意力,让我们沉醉在她们迷人的身姿和神秘的魅力之中。无论是走在街上还是出现在电影屏幕上,她们都散发着一种令人难以抵挡的魅力。


对于那些身材火辣、容貌迷人的女性,我们总是会用hot babes来形容。她们拥有完美的曲线,让人惊叹不已。她们的美丽不仅仅是外表,更是内在散发出来的自信和魅力。无论走在哪里,她们都能吸引众人的目光,成为众人羡慕和追捧的对象。


hot babes这个词汇虽然带有一定的色彩,但它并不只是指身材火辣、容貌出众的女性。它还可以用来形容那些充满活力、自信、热情的女性。她们总是充满活力地生活着,散发着阳光般的魅力。无论做什么事情,都充满了热情和自信,让人感到温暖和舒心。


1. She is definitely one of the hottest babes I've ever seen.


2. The magazine cover featured a group of hot babes in bikinis.


3. These hot babes at the party were turning heads left and right.


4. He couldn't resist the temptation of the hot babes on the dance floor.


5. The movie was a hit, thanks to the hot babes in the leading roles.



1. She may be a hot babe, but she's also incredibly smart and talented.


2. These hot babes are not just pretty faces, they are also successful businesswomen.


3. The beach was filled with hot babes soaking up the sun.


4. He couldn't take his eyes off the hot babe sitting next to him on the plane.


5. The club was full of hot babes dancing and having a good time.



1. She may be a bit older, but she's still a total hot babe in my eyes.


2. The hot babes in the office always brighten up my day with their positive energy.


3. He couldn't believe his luck when a group of hot babes invited him to join their beach volleyball game.


4. The hot babe in the red dress stole the show at the party with her stunning beauty.


5. She may not fit society's standard of a hot babe, but she's confident and comfortable in her own skin.

