网校一点通 学习方法


2024-05-11 09:48:30

1. shutter是什么意思,shutter的用法和例句的解释:


2. shutter是什么意思,shutter的用法和例句读音读法:


3. shutter是什么意思,shutter的用法和例句的用例:

- The shutters on the windows were closed tightly to keep out the sunlight.


- I always forget to close the shutters before going to bed.


- The camera's shutter speed can be adjusted for different lighting conditions.


- We need to replace the old shutters on our house.


- The loud noise of the metal shutters being pulled down startled me.


4. shutter是什么意思,shutter的用法和例句组词:

- shutters closed(百叶窗关闭)

- shutter speed(快门速度)

- wooden shutters(木制百叶窗)

- open the shutters(打开百叶窗)

- camera shutter(相机快门)

5. shutter是什么意思,shutter的用法和例句的中英文对照:


- The shutters on the windows were closed tightly to keep out the sunlight.


- I always forget to close the shutters before going to bed.


- The camera's shutter speed can be adjusted for different lighting conditions.


- We need to replace the old shutters on our house.


- The loud noise of the metal shutters being pulled down startled me.



