2024-05-10 15:59:51midas是希腊神话中的一个王子,据说他有着神奇的力量,可以将一切接触过的物品变为黄金。因此,midas也常被用来形容一个人拥有巨大财富和成功的能力。
1. His success in the business world has earned him the nickname “the midas of Wall Street”.(他在商界取得的成功让他被称为“华尔街之midas”。)
2. The company’s new CEO seems to have a midas touch, as its profits have doubled since she took over.(这家公司新任CEO似乎拥有一种midas般的魔力,自从她上任后利润翻了一番。)
3. The young musician has been hailed as a midas in the music industry, with all of her albums reaching number one on the charts.(这位年轻的音乐家被誉为音乐界的midas,她的所有专辑都登上了排行榜榜首。)
4. The tech company’s latest product has been praised as a midas, with its sales surpassing all expectations.(这家科技公司最新推出的产品被称赞为midas,其销量超出了所有预期。)
5. After investing in the stock market for only a year, he has already midased and made a fortune.(仅仅一年投资股市,他就已经midased并赚得盆满钵满。)