网校一点通 学习方法


2024-05-08 10:33:57

1. thinkof的意思是“想起,想到”。指在脑海中产生某个念头或记忆,或者使某人想起某事物。

2. thinkof的发音为/k v/,读作“思克夫”,其中第一个音节发音为清辅音/t/,第二个音节发音为元音//,第三个音节发音为清辅音/ng/,最后一个音节发音为元音/v/。

3. thinkof的用例:

例句1:I often think of my childhood memories when I see old photographs.


例句2:Can you think of a solution to this problem?


例句3:The smell of fresh bread always makes me think of my grandmother's kitchen.


例句4:I can't s thinking of the beautiful sunset we saw on our vacation.


例句5:Whenever I feel stressed, I try to think of happy thoughts to calm myself down.


4. thinkof的组词:thinkof是一个动词,可以与其他词语组合成不同的短语,如:

- think of something:想起某事物

- think of someone:想起某人

- think of a plan:想出一个计划

- think of a solution:想出一个解决方案

- think of the future:考虑未来

- think of the consequences:考虑后果

5. thinkof的中英文对照:


英文:think of

