网校一点通 学习方法


2024-05-07 08:52:43



1. "Look, there's a ladybird on the leaf!" (看,叶子上有一只瓢虫!)

2. The children were delighted to find a ladybird in the garden. (孩子们在花园里了一只瓢虫,非常高兴。)

3. My grandmother always said that if a ladybird lands on you, it's good luck. (我奶奶总是说如果一只瓢虫停在你身上,那就是好运。)

4. The ladybird is a beneficial insect for gardens as it eats harmful pests. (瓢虫是花园中有益的昆虫,因为它会吃掉有害的害虫。)

5. I bought my daughter a cute ladybird costume for Halloween. (我给女儿买了一套可爱的瓢虫服装过万圣节。)


1. "I love watching the ladybirds crawl around in the grass," said Sarah.

2. The farmer released thousands of ladybirds into his crops to control the aphid population.

3. The little girl was fascinated by the ladybird's bright red color and black spots.

4. "Let's count how many ladybirds we can find in the park," suggested Tom.

5. The children made a ladybird house out of a small box and leaves for their new friends to live in.

