网校一点通 学习方法


2024-05-07 08:46:31


作为动词时,lean意为“倾斜、靠在、依赖”,常用于表示身体的姿势或物体的位置。,“He leaned against the wall.”(他靠在墙上),“The tower is leaning to one side.”(这座塔向一边倾斜)。

作为形容词时,lean意为“瘦弱的、精简的、节俭的”,常用于描述人或物体。,“She has a lean figure.”(她身材苗条),“The company has a lean budget this year.”(今年公司预算紧缩)。


1. Lean in:表示“向前倾斜”。这个短语通常用于指身体姿势,也可以引申为表示积极主动地参与某件事情。,“She leaned in to hear what he was saying.”(她向前倾听他说什么),“Our team needs to lean in and work harder.”(我们团队需要积极参与并加倍努力)。

2. Lean on:表示“依赖、依靠”。这个短语通常用于指人们之间的关系,也可以指对某个事物的依赖。,“He always leans on his friends for support.”(他总是依靠朋友们的支持),“The company is leaning on its reputation to attract customers.”(公司依赖其声誉来吸引客户)。

3. Lean towards:表示“倾向于、偏向”。这个短语通常用于指某种意见、观点或决定。,“I'm leaning towards taking the job offer.”(我倾向于接受这份工作邀请),“The results of the study lean towards the conclusion that...”(研究结果倾向于得出这样的结论……)。


1. She leaned against the tree, trying to catch her breath.


2. The old man's body was lean and wrinkled from years of hard work.


3. The team decided to lean in and take on the challenge of launching a new product.


4. She has always leaned on her family for emotional support.


5. The government is leaning towards implementing stricter regulations to protect the environment.

