网校一点通 学习方法


2024-05-07 08:40:53


1. 名词用法


- The forest is full of mushrooms.(森林里到处都是蘑菇。)

- I don't like the taste of mushrooms.(我不喜欢蘑菇的味道。)


- The population of the city has mushroomed in the past decade.(这个城市的人口在过去十年里迅速增加了。)

- The company's profits have mushroomed since they introduced the new product.(自从推出新产品后,公司的利润迅速增加了。)

2. 动词用法


- The number of tourists has mushroomed in this area.(这个地区的游客数量急剧增加了。)

- The problem of pollution has mushroomed in recent years.(近年来,污染问题迅速恶化。)


- The smoke from the factory mushroomed into the sky.(工厂冒出的烟雾扩散到了天空。)

- The rumors about their relationship have mushroomed throughout the company.(关于他们关系的谣言已经在公司里传得沸沸扬扬。)

3. 例句参考

1) She picked some mushrooms in the forest and cooked them for dinner.(她在森林里采摘了一些蘑菇,晚餐时烹饪了它们。)

2) The company's profits have mushroomed since they launched their new product.(自从推出新产品后,公司的利润迅速增加了。)

3) The number of tourists has mushroomed in this area, causing overcrowding and environmental problems.(这个地区的游客数量急剧增加,导致拥挤和环境问题。)

4) The fire spread quickly, mushrooming into a huge inferno that destroyed several buildings.(火势迅速蔓延,形成巨大的大火,摧毁了几栋建筑物。)

5) Rumors about their relationship have mushroomed throughout the company, causing tension and gossip among employees.(关于他们关系的谣言已经在公司里传得沸沸扬扬,导致员工之间紧张和八卦。)

