网校一点通 学习方法


2024-05-03 18:15:14





Objet is a French word meaning "object" or "thing". It can be used as a noun or a verb.

名词方面,objet refers to an item with a specific shape, texture and function. It can be tangible or abstract. It can refer to various everyday objects such as furniture, appliances, books, etc.; or artistic objects such as sculptures, paintings, etc.; it can also refer to objects in a certain concept or idea. In short, objet is a very broad concept that encompasses almost everything around us.

动词方面,objet means "to object" or "to resist". It is often used in legal terms to express dissatisfaction with a decision or ruling and to raise an objection. For example: "They strongly objected to this ruling." In colloquial language, it can also be used to express disagreement or dislike for something.



Objet refers to an item with a specific shape, texture and function. It can be tangible or abstract. It can refer to various everyday objects such as furniture, appliances, books, etc.; or artistic objects such as sculptures, paintings, etc.; it can also refer to objects in a certain concept or idea. In short, objet is a very broad concept that encompasses almost everything around us.


1. 这个博物馆展示了许多古代文明时期使用过的objets(物品)。

2. 艺术家用各种不同的objets(物体)来创作他的艺术作品。

3. 我们需要把这些objets(物件)重新摆放一下,以便更好地利用空间。

4. 他对这项提议提出了强烈的objection(反对)。

5. 这部电影中的objections(异议)最终导致了主角的失败。



1. This museum displays many objets from ancient civilizations.

2. The artist used various objets to create his artwork.

3. We need to rearrange these objets to better utilize the space.

4. He strongly objected to this proposal.

5. The objections in this film ultimately lead to the protagonist's downfall.


