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peach tree是什么意思?如何翻译成中文?

2024-05-03 17:41:28

peach tree是一种水果树,属于蔷薇科桃属,学名为Prunus persica。它是一种热带和亚热带地区常见的果树,也被广泛种植于温带地区。

在中文中,peach tree可以翻译为“桃树”。它是一种落叶乔木,高可达10米以上。树冠呈圆形或卵形,枝条密集。春季开花,花色鲜艳美丽,花朵大而香甜。夏季结出扁圆形的果实,果皮光滑,多为粉红色或黄色。

peach tree的用法主要是指这种水果树本身,也可以用来指其果实。在英语中,还有一个常用的短语“to be a peach”,意为“非常棒”或“非常出色”。


1. She has a peach tree in her backyard, and it produces the juiciest peaches I've ever tasted.


2. The peach trees are in full bloom, making the orchard look like a pink sea.


3. This peach is so sweet and juicy, it must have come from a very healthy peach tree.


4. The new employee is a peach, always willing to lend a helping hand to her colleagues.


5. I can't believe she gave me the last slice of peach, she's such a peach!


peach tree指的是一种水果树,也可以用来形容某人或某物非常出色。它在文学作品中也经常被用作象征性的意象,着生命、美好和繁荣。
