2024-05-02 17:43:00offduty是一个由两个单词组成的短语,其中"off"是一个介词,意为"从...离开","duty"是一个名词,意为"责任、义务、工作"。因此,offduty的字面意思就是从责任或工作中离开。
1. He is offduty now, so you can't reach him.
2. The security guard was offduty when the theft happened.
3. I'm sorry, but the doctor is offduty at the moment.
4. The captain announced that all passengers should remain in their seats until the flight crew is completely offduty.
5. The police officer was offduty when he witnessed the accident, but he still took immediate action to help.
1. Sheila was offduty for the weekend, so she decided to take a trip to the beach.
2. The firefighters were offduty when the call came in, but they still rushed to the scene to help.
3. The restaurant is closed today because all the staff are offduty for a company outing.
4. After working overtime for several days, I finally have a day offduty tomorrow.
5. The teacher reminded the students that they should not disturb her when she is offduty and enjoying her personal time.