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2024-05-02 17:38:41


profiteer的读音为 [prf't(r)],其中的 "r" 是发音时不发出的浊音。可以通过以下链接来听一下它的发音:[https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/profiteer?q=profiteer](https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/profiteer?q=profiteer)


根据牛津词典的解释,profiteer是指 "a person who takes advantage of a situation to make a large amount of money, often in a way that is not fair or honest",即指那些利用情况谋取暴利的人,通常是通过不公平或不诚实的方式。这个词通常带有负面的含义,因为它暗示着这些人利用他人的困境来谋取自己的利益。


首先,我们需要注意到这个词中有一个 "e" 和两个 "r" 的重复出现。因此,在读音上我们需要注意到这个单词中第二个 "e" 是不发音的,而第二个 "r" 则是发音时要忽略掉的浊音。另外,在强调读音时可以将重音放在第一个 "i" 上。

其次,在书面语中我们可以使用斜体或者加粗来表示重音,即 profiteer。而在口语中,我们可以通过语调的变化来强调重音,如 "profiTEER"。



- The government is cracking down on profiteers who are taking advantage of the current crisis.


- He was accused of being a profiteer for charging exorbitant prices during the disaster.


除了作为名词外,profiteer也可以作为动词使用,意为 "to make an excessive or unfair profit",即 "谋取过多或不公平的利润"。:

- Some companies are profiteering from the pandemic by selling essential goods at inflated prices.


- The landlord was accused of profiteering by raising the rent by 50% without any valid reason.



根据以上所述,我们可以得出结论:profiteer的读音为 [prf't(r)],其中重音放在第一个 "i" 上,第二个 "e" 是不发音的,第二个 "r" 是发音时要忽略掉的浊音。


1. The company was accused of being a profiteer for exploiting its workers and paying them below minimum wage.


2. During the war, there were many profiteers who sold goods on the black market at exorbitant prices.


3. The government has implemented strict measures to prevent profiteering from the current crisis.


4. She was accused of being a profiteer for buying cheap goods from overseas and selling them at much higher prices in her own country.


5. The businessman was known for his ruthless tactics and his reputation as a profiteer in the business world.



1. Some people see him as a successful businessman, while others see him as a profiteer who takes advantage of others.


2. The company was accused of profiteering from the pandemic by selling fake medical supplies at inflated prices.


3. The profiteer was arrested for price gouging during the natural disaster, taking advantage of people's desperation.


4. He was known as a profiteer in the stock market, making huge profits by manipulating stock prices.


5. The government has promised to take strict action against any profiteers who try to exploit the current crisis for their own gain.

