网校一点通 学习方法


2024-05-02 11:55:06


作为名词,out可以指代某个物体或人离开某个地方或物体的状态。比如,“I am out of the house.”(我离开了家),“The cat is out of the bag.”(秘密被泄露了)。

作为动词,out可以表示“超越”、“击败”、“淘汰”等含义。比如,“Our team was outplayed in the game.”(我们的队伍在比赛中被打败了),“He was outvoted in the election.”(他在中被投票淘汰了)。

作为副词,out可以表示“向外面”、“出去”的意思。比如,“Please go out and play.”(请出去玩吧),“She ran out of the room.”(她跑出房间了)。

作为形容词,out可以表示“不流行的”、“过时的”的含义。比如,“That fashion is so out now.”(那种时尚现在已经过时了),“Their music is completely out of style.”(他们的音乐完全不流行了)。


1. The sun is shining, let's go outside and play.

2. The fire spread quickly and soon the whole building was engulfed in flames.

3. He was so out of breath after running the marathon.

4. The old car finally gave out on the highway.

5. The company's profits are way out this year compared to last year.


Out, a simple word with various meanings and uses. It can be a noun, verb, adverb or adjective, making it quite versatile in the English language. But what does it really mean?

Let's start with its most common meaning as a noun - "outside". We often use it to describe someone or something leaving a place or object. For example, "I am out of the house" or "The cat is out of the bag". But it can also have other connotations such as "finished" or "exhausted". Like when we say, "I am completely out of ideas" or "I am so out of energy after that workout".

As a verb, out can mean to surpass or defeat someone or something. It's often used in sports to indicate that one team has been beaten by another. For instance, "Our team was completely outplayed in the game" or "He was outvoted in the election". It can also mean to reveal something secret or hidden, like when we say "The truth came out eventually" or "The scandal was finally brought to light".

Out can also function as an adverb, indicating movement away from something. We usually use it with verbs like go, come, run etc. For example, "Please go out and play" or "She ran out of the room". It can also express an end point for something like in the sentence - "We are almost out of time".

Lastly, as an adjective, out can mean not fashionable or outdated. When we say that something is so last season or completely not trendy anymore - we are using it as an adjective. For instance, "Those shoes are so out now" or "Their music is completely out of style".

In conclusion, out may seem like a simple word, but its multiple meanings and uses make it quite interesting. So next time you come across this word, remember to consider the context to understand its intended meaning. And who knows, maybe you'll come across a new usage of out that you've never heard before!
