2024-05-02 11:51:50premise是一个名词,指的是一个前提或假设,通常用来引出论证的主题或基础。它也可以表示一个建议或要求的理由。
1. premise作为名词,常用于以下结构:
- on the premise that...(基于...的前提)
- the premise of...(...的前提)
- the main premise of...(...的主要前提)
1. The argument is based on the premise that all humans are equal.
2. The premise of this study is that exercise can improve mental health.
3. The main premise of this book is that happiness is a choice.
1. premise作为动词时,常与介词on连用。
- premise on sth(以某事物为前提)
- premise on the fact that...(以...事实为前提)
1. The study premises on the assumption that climate change is caused by human activity.
2. The argument premises on the fact that education can reduce crime rates.
3. The proposal premises on the idea that technology can improve efficiency.
1. On the premise that honesty is the best policy, I always tell the truth.
2. The premise of this theory is that humans are rational beings.
3. The main premise of this argument is that freedom of speech should be protected.
4. The study premises on the assumption that genetics play a significant role in intelligence.
5. On the premise of equal pay for equal work, we demand fair treatment in the workplace.