网校一点通 学习方法


2024-05-02 11:48:25


1. 外向的,外向性格的:这是最常见的意思,指的是一个人喜欢和他人交往,乐于表达自己的想法和情感。:She is a very outgoing person and always makes new friends easily.(她是一个非常外向的人,总是能轻松地结交新朋友。)

2. 即将离职的:在工作场合中,outgoing通常用来指即将离开某个职位或组织的人。:The company is looking for a replacement for the outgoing manager.(公司正在寻找一位接替即将离职的经理。)

3. 外出的,外出旅行的:outgoing也可以表示“外出”的意思,特别是指长时间或远距离旅行。:We have to arrange our outgoing flights and make sure we arrive at the airport on time.(我们必须安排好我们的出发航班,并确保准时到达机场。)

4. 支出的,流出去的:在财务领域中,outgoing通常表示支出或流出去的资金。:The company's outgoings have increased significantly this year due to rising costs.(由于成本上涨,公司今年支出大幅增加。)

5. 传出的,发出的:在通信或科技领域,outgoing可以表示“传出”的意思,指从一个地方或设备发出的信息或信号。:The outgoing data from the satellite was successfully received by the ground station.(卫星发出的数据被地面站成功接收。)



1. She is known for her outgoing personality and always attracts a lot of attention at parties.(她以外向的个性而闻名,在聚会上总能吸引很多人的注意力。)

2. The outgoing CEO has been praised for his leadership and dedication to the company.(即将离职的CEO因其领导能力和对公司的奉献而受到赞扬。)

3. We need to keep track of our outgoings and make sure we stay within our budget.(我们需要跟踪我们的支出,并确保在预算范围内。)

4. The outgoing president gave a farewell speech before handing over his position to the new president.(即将离任的在移交职位给新之前发表了告别演讲。)

5. The outgoing signal from the device was too weak to be detected by the receiving equipment.(设备发出的信号太弱,无法被接收设备检测到。)
