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one more thing是什么意思?

2024-05-01 09:34:31


one more thing是一个英语短语,意为“另外一件事情”或“还有一件事情”。它通常用来表示在讨论或结束之前,还有一件重要的事情需要提及或补充。这个短语也可以用于增加某件事情的数量。


one more thing通常作为口语中的一个短语使用,可以放在句首、句中或句尾。它可以单独使用,也可以和其他词组搭配使用,如“just one more thing”、“one more thing to add”等。


1. Before we end the meeting, I have one more thing to mention.


2. Could you please wait for me? I have just one more thing to do before we leave.


3. I know you're in a hurry, but there's just one more thing I need to tell you.


4. One more thing, don't forget to bring your passport with you.


5. He has already eaten three slices of pizza and now he wants just one more thing.



1. One more thing, I need you to sign this document before you leave.


2. There's just one more thing I want to say before we end the call.


3. Can I have just one more thing? I promise it will be the last one.


4. One more thing, remember to lock the door when you leave.


5. He has already finished his homework, but he wants just one more thing to do.



One more thing,这个词组的意思是什么呢?它有时候让人感到烦恼,有时候又让人感到期待。它就像是一个小小的惊喜,总是在最不经意的时候出现。

用法上来说,one more thing可以放在句首、句中或者句尾。它可以单独使用,也可以和其他词组搭配起来使用。比如,“just one more thing”、“one more thing to add”等等。

那么在什么情况下会用到one more thing呢?通常,它出现在讨论或者结束之前,用来提及或者补充一件重要的事情。有时候也可以用来增加某件事情的数量。无论是什么情况,它都是起到一个补充或者增加的作用。

让我们来看几个例句吧。在开会结束之前,我有one more thing要提及。也许你已经很着急要走了,但是还有just one more thing我需要告诉你。还记得上次忘记带的尴尬经历吗?这次出门之前,one more thing就是要提醒你带上。

当然,在随机性强的写作中,也可以用一些不那么正式的表达方式来使用one more thing。比如说,“Hey, one more thing, don't forget to bring your sense of humor to the party tonight!”(嘿,还有一件事情,今晚别忘了带上你的幽默感来参加派对!)这样就可以给人一种轻松愉快的感觉。

one more thing是一个常用的英语短语,在口语和书面语中都有广泛的应用。它可以表示补充或者增加某件事情,在交流中起到一个重要的作用。不要害怕one more thing,它可能会给你带来惊喜呢!
