网校一点通 学习方法


2024-04-30 20:45:37

Periodicity是一个英文单词,发音为/pridsti/,可以分解为三个部分:period(周期)+ ic(形容词后缀)+ ity(名词后缀),读音为pi-ri-od-i-si-ti。它的中文意思是“周期性”,表示某种现象或具有重复出现的特征。


1. 表示重复出现的特征

:The periodicity of the tides is caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and sun.(潮汐的周期性是由月亮和太阳的引力造成的。)

2. 在数学中指某种规律性的重复

:The periodicity of this function can be seen in its graph.(这个函数的周期性可以从它的图像中看出。)

3. 在化学中指元素或化合物在元素周期表上排列的规律性

:The periodicity of elements in the periodic table is determined by their atomic structure.(元素周期表中元素的周期性是由它们的原子结构决定的。)

4. 在生物学中指生物体内生理活动或现象发生的规律性

:The periodicity of sleep-wake cycles is regulated by the body's internal clock.(睡眠-清醒周期的周期性受身体内部时钟调节。)

5. 在经济学中指经济现象或行业发展的周期性

:The periodicity of economic recessions and booms is a natural part of the business cycle.(经济衰退和繁荣的周期性是商业周期的自然组成部分。)


1. The periodicity of the changing seasons is a reminder of the passage of time.


2. The periodicity of solar flares can have a significant impact on communication systems.


3. Scientists are studying the periodicity of earthquakes in this region to better understand their causes.


4. The periodicity of the stock market can be unpredictable and influenced by various factors.


5. The discovery of the periodicity of chemical elements revolutionized our understanding of matter.



