网校一点通 学习方法


2024-04-30 20:45:35


palladia在英语中也有时被拼写为"palladium",这个词源于希腊神话中的女神Pallas Athena(雅典娜),她被认为是城市的守护者和智慧女神。因此,palladia也可以指代智慧、知识和保护。


1. The ancient Greeks believed that Athena was the palladium of Athens, protecting the city and its people from harm.(古希腊人相信雅典娜是雅典的守护神,保护城市和人民免受伤害。)

2. The palladium of democracy is a free press, which serves as a watchdog for the people against government abuse of power.(的保障是自由媒体,它作为人民对滥用权力的监督者。)

3. The new security system is being hailed as the palladium of our company, protecting us from cyber attacks and data breaches.(这个新安全被誉为我们公司的守护者,保护我们免受网络攻击和数据泄露。)

4. The palladia of our relationship are trust and communication, without which it would not survive the challenges we face.(我们关系的保障是信任和沟通,没有它们我们将无法应对所面临的挑战。)

5. The palladium of a good education is the ability to think critically and question authority, rather than blindly accepting information.(良好教育的保障是具备批判性思维和质疑权威的能力,而不是盲目接受信息。)

