网校一点通 学习方法


2024-04-30 20:37:12




1. 北极鲸:一种生活在北极地区的鲸类动物。

2. 喇叭口鲸:因其嘴巴呈喇叭状而得名。

3. 长牙鲸:因其上下颌长出两根长牙而得名。

4. 海独角兽:因其长牙看起来像独角兽的角而得名。


1. The norwal is a fascinating creature that lives in the Arctic.


2. The norwal's tusk is actually a long tooth that can grow up to 10 feet.


3. Did you know that the norwal's tusk is actually a sensory organ?



1. The norwal is known for its unique tusk, which can grow up to 10 feet long.


2. Scientists are still studying the behavior and habits of the norwal in its natural habitat.


3. The Inuit people have a deep cultural connection with the norwal, as it has been an important source of food and materials for them.


4. Due to climate change, the Arctic sea ice is melting at an alarming rate, posing a threat to the survival of animals like the norwal.


5. The sighting of a rare white norwal in the wild has caused excitement among marine biologists and conservationists.

