网校一点通 学习方法


2024-04-28 22:49:56





1. I always keep a [c] on my desk so that I can look up unfamiliar words while I am writing.


2. My English teacher told me to use a [c] to help me improve my vocabulary.


3. The new edition of the [c] includes updated definitions and examples.


4. She spent hours flipping through the pages of the [c], trying to find the right word for her essay.


5. The [c] is an essential tool for language learners, as it provides accurate and detailed explanations of words.


1. [c]ary (形容词): 和[c]有关的,如[dictionaryary]

2. [c]ize (动词): 把某物编入[c],如[dictionaryize]

3. un[c]ed (形容词): 没有收录在[c]中的,如[undictionaried]

4. [c]ist (名词): 编纂[c]的人,如[dictionaryist]

5. multi-[c] (形容词): 包含多种语言版本的[c],如[multidictionary]


1. [c]: dictionary

2. 定义和解释: definition and explanation

3. 读音读法: pronunciation

4. 用例: example/sentence

5. 组词: word formation/word list


