网校一点通 学习方法


2024-04-28 15:41:58

读音:[prorm],英式音标为 /prgram/,美式音标为 /prorm/




1. 指一系列活动或的安排:The festival programme includes music performances, film screenings, and art exhibitions.(这个节日的活动包括音乐表演、电影放映和艺术展览。)

2. 指电视、广播、演出等节目:What's your favorite TV programme?(你最喜欢的电视节目是什么?)

3. 指计划或方案:We need to come up with a programme to improve employee satisfaction.(我们需要制定一个方案来提高员工满意度。)

4. 指软件程序或应用程序:I'm learning how to code and create my own programmes.(我正在学习编码并创建自己的软件程序。)


1. 制定计划或安排:The team is currently programming the schedule for the conference.(团队正在制定的日程安排。)

2. 编写软件程序:He's been programming all night to finish the project on time.(他通宵编程,以便按时完成项目。)

3. 指安排或组织活动:The school has programmed a variety of events for the students during the summer break.(学校为学生们安排了各种各样的活动,让他们在暑假期间有所收获。)


1. The theatre programme for this month includes a Shakespeare play and a modern dance performance.


2. I have a busy day ahead with back-to-back meetings, but I'll try to programme in some time for lunch.


3. The company is looking for someone with experience in programming mobile apps.


4. Our team has been working hard to programme an exciting lineup of speakers for the conference.


5. Can you programme the coffee machine to start brewing at 7am every morning?

