网校一点通 学习方法


2024-04-26 22:34:19



1. The lawyer represented his client in court. (律师在法庭上他的客户。)

2. The painting represents a beautiful landscape. (这幅画展现了一幅美丽的风景。)

3. The data represents the current market trends. (这些数据反映了当前的市场趋势。)


1. Women are underrepresented in the tech industry. (女性在科技行业中所占比例较低。)

2. This survey sample is not representative of the entire population. (这份调查样本并不能整个人口。)


1. represent sb/sth: 某人/某事

2. represent sth: 表示、展示某事

3. be represented: 被描绘、被展示

4. be underrepresented: 被低估、被忽视

5. representative (形容词): 性的、典型的


1. The student council is responsible for representing the interests of the students to the school administration. (学生会负责向学校管理层学生的利益。)

2. The painting represents the artist's interpretation of the current political climate. (这幅画展现了艺术家对当前氛围的解读。)

3. The pie chart represents the distribution of wealth among different social classes. (饼图反映了不同社会阶层之间财富的分配情况。)

4. People with disabilities are often underrepresented in mainstream media. (残疾人在主流媒体中往往被低估。)

5. This survey sample is not representative of the entire population due to its small size and limited diversity. (由于样本数量较少且多样性有限,这份调查样本并不能整个人口。)
