网校一点通 学习方法


2024-04-26 22:34:18



1. My schooldays were the best time of my life.(我的学生时代是我生命中最美好的时光。)

2. She has fond memories of her schooldays.(她对自己的学生时代有着美好的回忆。)

3. The school is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, a milestone in its schooldays.(这所学校今年正在庆祝其50周年纪念,这是它学校历史上的一个里程碑。)

4. During her schooldays, she was known as a student in her class.(在她的学生时代,她被认为是班级里顶尖的学生。)

5. He has been teaching at this school since his own schooldays.(他从自己上学开始就一直在这所学校教书。)


1. I miss my schooldays when life was simpler and carefree.


2. My favorite memory from my schooldays is playing soccer with my friends during recess.


3. The school has a rich history, with many famous alumni from its early schooldays.


4. During my schooldays, I was involved in various extracurricular activities like drama club and debate team.


5. My mother still has my old school uniform from my schooldays hanging in her closet.


